৩০০ টাকা ছাড় ! মাত্র ৩০০০+ বাজারে
- Fruits Package 1
6 Varieties
Tk. 800AddDescription
We are passionate about healthy eating and supplying high-quality fresh fruits to our customers. We have designed Special Fruit Packages with locally sourced, seasonal fruit for the convenience of you and your family.
This week’s Fruit box is made up with:
- Paka Pepe (Thai) (1 pcs)
- Malta (1 kg)
- Banana (Shagor) ( 6 pcs )
- Peyara (Guava) (1 kg )
- Green Apple (500 gm)
- Pineapple (1 pcs)
*Save Tk. 115 when you buy this package.
Subscribe for a month to avail of great offers. When you subscribe with us, we will deliver the box to you every week, allowing you to stay hassle-free of ordering every week for your family’s vegetable need. We won’t forget to deliver!
- Fruits Package 2
4 Varieties
Tk. 490AddDescription
We are passionate about healthy eating and supplying high-quality fresh fruits to you. We have designed Special Fruit Packages with locally-sourced, seasonal fruit for the convenience of your family.
This week’s Fruit box is made up with:
- Banana (Shagor) ( 6 pcs )
- Peyara (Guava) ( 1 kg )
- Malta (1 kg)
- Pineapple (1 pcs)
*Save Tk. 95 when you buy this package.
Subscribe for a month to avail of great offers. When you subscribe with us, we will deliver the box to you every week, allowing you to stay hassle-free of ordering every week for your family’s vegetable need. We won’t forget to deliver!